Exploratory Analysis of Cuneiform Archives: A Network Approach to Ebla Texts

Massimo Maiocchi

The article investigates the possibilities offered by network analysis applied to the field of cuneiform studies. Focusing on the archive of Ebla, dated to the middle of the third millennium BC, the author tries to examine the usability of this new technique in terms of establishing the relative chronology of the documents unearthed there, as well as finding joins via network connections of fragmentary texts. In doing so, the paper stresses the necessity of expanding current methodologies in Assyriological research, as to include scripting for processing large datasets – a technique rarely seen in Ancient Near Eastern studies, but with a great potential for the future of this field.

Massimo Maiocchi is a Research Associate at the Oriental Institute, University of Chicago.
Full Bibliographic Reference

Maiocchi M. 2016, Exploratory Analysis of Cuneiform Archives: A Network Approach to Ebla Texts, SMEA NS 2, 119- 141

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